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everything in modern civilization tends toward elimination  of  weight, and increased speed, the cooking of the future must
elimination of weight, and increased speed, the cooking  of  the future must conform to the ends of evolution. The first
speed, the cooking of the future must conform to the ends  of  evolution. The first step would be the elimination of
ends of evolution. The first step would be the elimination  of  edible pastes from the diet of Italians », Marinetti
would be the elimination of edible pastes from the diet  of  Italians », Marinetti writes.
the abolition  of  macaroni, Marinetti advocates doing away with thè ordinary
ordinary condiments now in use, and a consistent lightening  of  weight and reduction of volume of food-stuffs. The Futurist
in use, and a consistent lightening of weight and reduction  of  volume of food-stuffs. The Futurist leader also pleads for
a consistent lightening of weight and reduction of volume  of  food-stuffs. The Futurist leader also pleads for
The Futurist leader also pleads for discontinuance  of  daily eating for pleasure.
and ARMSTROM. - On the analisis  of  polable waters. (Journal of the Chemical Society of
and ARMSTROM. - On the analisis of polable waters. (Journal  of  the Chemical Society of London). Volume VI, 1868.
of polable waters. (Journal of the Chemical Society  of  London). Volume VI, 1868.
 of  the manifesto, published in the «Comoedia», give the
published in the «Comoedia», give the principal feature  of  the new cuisine as a rapid succession of dishes which
principal feature of the new cuisine as a rapid succession  of  dishes which contain but one mouthful or even a fraction of
of dishes which contain but one mouthful or even a fraction  of  a mouthful.
(ingl.) due lombi uniti. — Baron  of  beef, anche Sirloin of beef - aloyan de boeuf.
(ingl.) due lombi uniti. — Baron of beef, anche Sirloin  of  beef - aloyan de boeuf.
a model for the presentation  of  a Futuristic meal, M. Marinetti calls attention to a
meal, M. Marinetti calls attention to a Futuristic painting  of  a synthetic landscape made up of food-stuffs, by Filila.
to a Futuristic painting of a synthetic landscape made up  of  food-stuffs, by Filila. The landscape is composed of a
up of food-stuffs, by Filila. The landscape is composed  of  a roast o f veal, stuffed with eleven kinds of vegetables,
is composed of a roast o f veal, stuffed with eleven kinds  of  vegetables, placed vertically upon a piate and crowned with
A. - A Manual  of  practical Hygiene. Sixth édition. London, 1883.
father  of  Futurist art, literature and drama, has just issued from
everything connected with the traditional pleasures  of  the gourmet will be swept away.
science will be employed in the preparation  of  sauces and a device similar to litmus paper will be used in
Futuristic kitchen in order to determine thè proper degree  of  acidity or alkalinity in any given sauce.
m.) lombo. — Aloyau de boeuf - lombo di bue - ingl. Sirloin  of  beef.
R. - Adultérations  of  food icith short processes for their detection. London,
(ingl.) principato di Galles, da cui il titolo: Prince  of  Wales, (vedi; Galles) Welsh rabbit, coniglio di Galles
cooked under high pressure, in order to vary the efifects  of  heat. Electrolysis will also be used to decompose sugar and
nourishment he recommends scientific nourishment by means  of  pills and powders, so that when a reai hanquet is spread,it
is one  of  the meals which, under thè new system, could not be
in rare instances when it whill be used to sustain the mood  of  a former course until the next can be served.
ozonizer » which will give to liquids the taste and perfume  of  the ozone, also ultra-violet lamps to render certain
meal, several dishes will be passed beneath the nose  of  the diner in order to excite his curiosity or to provide a
del loro garum, e gl'inglesi adorano la loro essence  of  anchovies, e l'uno e l'altra son salse di acciughe.
and celery sauce Roast goose and apple sauce Roast sirloin  of  beef and horseradish sauce Vegetables Christmas pudding -
Gaufrettes Fruits Fromages DINNER FIN BEC Soup Purée soup  of  fowl with tapioca Hors-d'oeuvre Melons and figs Removes
aux tranches d'oison fumé Removes Relevé Stuffed saddle  of  veal Selle de veau farcie Entrée Jellied pheasant Faisan en
ROYAL DINNER Sandrigham, 1900. ROYAL DINNER PRINCE'S  OF  WALES DERBY DAY 1900. Premier service. Tortue claire-Bisque
Castle, 1900. DÎNER DE NOËL Thick ox-tail Fried fillets  of  sole and tomato sauce Stewed duck with olives Boiled Turkey
Whitebait Sweetbreads and peas - Lobster mayonnaise Sirloin  of  beef and horseradish Roast lamb and mint sauce French beans
sauce - Filletted whiting Poulet sauté à l'ancienne Saddle  of  mutton - Braised celery New potatoes Jorkham – Spinach
d'Ostende, sauce parisienne - Pommes persillade Baron  of  beef, sauce Westmoreland Macédoine de primeurs Cailles de
chicken boiled - Poulets de grain bouillis Entrée Fillets  of  lamb, chérubin style - Filet d'agneau à la Chérubin Roast -
Salad and cold entrée - Salade et entrée froide Mayonnaise  of  turkey and Salad - Mayonnaise de dinde et salade Vegetables
en gelée Roasted leveret Levraut à la broche Thimble  of  lamb's sweet breads Timbale de riz d'agneau Iced coffee
Calf's Kidneys in Cowley style Soup Turtle soup Fish Steak  of  sturgeon Entrée Terreen of pigeon Removes Quartier of lamb,
Soup Turtle soup Fish Steak of sturgeon Entrée Terreen  of  pigeon Removes Quartier of lamb, english sthyle Roast
Steak of sturgeon Entrée Terreen of pigeon Removes Quartier  of  lamb, english sthyle Roast Roasted green goose - Salad
entremet Lemon flammery E. BORGARELLO 24 DINNER Tureens  of  turtle soup Fish Turbot, codfish, stewed eels Entrées
eels Entrées Timbale au salpicon Oysters patties Chartreuse  of  fat liver Lamb entlets with flageolet Removes Saddle of
of fat liver Lamb entlets with flageolet Removes Saddle  of  mutton Roast fowls, boiled fowls Ham – Duckings Grame
DINNER Soups Turtle, clear and tick – Julienne Fish Filets  of  John Dory à la ravigote Salmon - Turbot - Whitebait Entrées
de cailles, provençale Leveret aux truffes Removes Haunch  of  venison Roast chicken - Boiled chicken à la florentine Rôts
Iced pudding Dessert Townhal – Portsmouth to the officer  of  the French Fleet 22 August 1901. DÎNER HORS D'OEUVRES
ESPAGNOLETTES DESSERT MENUS Soupers. E. BORGARELLO 26 City  of  London to Emperor Charles V and his suite SOPER - THE FIRST