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8 risultati per will
Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso - Fillìa
La cucina futurista
211956 1932 , Milano , Sonzogno 8 occorrenze

In fact, in the ideal Futuristic meal, several dishes will be passed beneath the nose of the diner in order to excite his curiosity or to provide a

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Pagina 67

No more after-dinner speeches will be tolerated by the new cult.

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Pagina 67

yesterday in Paris. Practically everything connected with the traditional pleasures of the gourmet will be swept away.

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Pagina 67

Also certain dishes will be cooked under high pressure, in order to vary the efifects of heat. Electrolysis will also be used to decompose sugar and

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Pagina 68

Modern science will be employed in the preparation of sauces and a device similar to litmus paper will be used in a Futuristic kitchen in order to

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Music will be banished from the table except in rare instances when it whill be used to sustain the mood of a former course until the next can be

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Pagina 68

The new Futuristic meal will permit a literary influence to pervade the dining-room, for whith ideal rapid service, by means o f single successive

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Pagina 68

Among the new kitchen and dining-room instruments suggested by Marinetti is an « ozonizer » which will give to liquids the taste and perfume of the

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Pagina 68